On Time is too Late
Often many of us rush from event to event without ever taking the time to rest in the spaces we occupy. This is an incredible disservice to our overall well-being. If we allow ourselves to constantly be harried and behind the eight ball bouncing from activities like a ping pong ball then we stop fully inhabiting our mind, body, and spirit. By building a short grounding time into our appointments we can dramatically shift our life to our favor for a flavor we’ll find that we like.
How To Get Started Writing Daily
Freewriting is a timed piece of writing done without stopping your hand from moving. The practice is an integral part of The Artist Way program where it is referred to as Morning Pages. The action preferably happens in the morning upon waking but can be done anytime. It is better to do it late than not at all. The time you set aside to write is your sacred space away from the busyness of daily life. Generally, this writing is not meant to be shared with others. It is where you give yourself permission to write badly, boldly, quirky, chaotic, whatever. Your job is to show up and the rest takes care of itself.
Constant And Never-Ending Improvement
Our human journey is not a sprint or a marathon but actually a series of sprints run over the course of a lifetime. Constant and Never-ending Improvement (CANI) is our helper along the way. By applying this principle in the key areas of Mind, Body, Spirit, and Shadow we synergistically set ourselves up for big results along an extended time arc. Set up personal benchmarks to measure your progress against. Every time you reach a milestone, take time to celebrate your progress on this path—and that feeling will help keep you moving forward when things get tough again. Commit yourself with stickativity to stay with your goals. Keep taking proactive steps to create the changes you want to see in your life. Improvement becomes a lifestyle when you apply CANI to many facets of your life.