Faith as Connection

When I freestyle rap, I have faith the words will come even without preparation, that I can be a channel of creation. Similarly, we have faith in everyday things, such as the sky not falling on us like a gigantic pancake. This faith in the basic integrity of our world, in things like gravity, allows us to trust even what we can’t see. 

Faith transcends cultural boundaries - no religion or thought system has a monopoly on faith. It is pervasive across cultures and is the foundation of trust which many premises are built. Without faith, we would struggle to find ground in our lives.

Faith is a powerful bridge to access our greater good. It guides us through life’s storms, acting as a lighthouse steering us from trouble. Our personal good is our stepping stone to greater good. By starting with ourselves and gradually expanding our vision, we can increase our impact and nurture our seeds into fully developed trees. 

Faith serves the scientist who believes natural laws will support their work, the airplane pilot trusting the laws of nature will uphold the plane as it carries passengers, and a preacher holding a vision for a brighter future despite the struggles of their congregation. In these examples, faith plays a vital role in steering through troubled waters, and navigating toward greater good, transforming personal goals into a broader vision.  

Faith can be looked upon as holding many facets, like a diamond, and is no less precious. In the coming weeks, we will explore these facets of faith, such as the power of words, persistence, and overcoming challenges.