LifeSynthe: An Origin Story

Every good superhero needs an origin story. LifeSynthe aims not to be super beings but rather live up to our human potential in a more ordinary sense. We are capable of so much greater heights but for a multitude of reasons we are not living up to our inherent potentials. This is where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. An extraordinary life does not require reaching the pinnacles of fame or wealth. It speaks to the simple actions we can consistently take to position ourselves as a beacon of a life well lived.

The origin part of this story begins with me as a 5-year-old child who lost his father. The pain and disillusionment of having somebody so close to me snatched away in such a permanent and confusing manner affected me with profound sadness. It caused me early on to question life itself. When my grandfather died shortly thereafter, I knew once again the feeling of death from the other side, the living side, from the perspective of a young boy bewildered.

The crux of this story does not harken back so far in my earthly journey, but the loss of my father is nevertheless an important building block in the overall trajectory of how LifeSynthe came to be. Fast forward 30 years to when I first stumbled on the idea that as people, we could use a handbook to help guide us on our path. After being moved by the book, Operating Manual for the Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller, I thought how cool that he wrote a literal Owner’s Manual for Earth dwellers. I could have used such a book as a boy growing up with so many questions and no father to help me find answers.

When you buy a toaster for instance there is a booklet inside the box that in a nutshell tells you all the basic things you need to know about what you just bought. Why can’t we have such a book for ourselves as human beings? That is when I began to explore the idea of what a Human Owner’s Manual might look like. I dubbed my new project The Synthesis because early on I realized the project basically synthesized the best elements of all the things I had been learning and thinking about my whole life up to that point.

When my son was born the plan came full circle because I saw this project directly as a legacy gift to him. I don’t have any great inheritance to bestow upon him but I do have a lifetime of knowledge and awareness that I deem could greatly help him along the way.  I wanted this book to be for him although I knew it truly was for everyone. This is my drop in the bucket of humanity in an effort to promote goodness and ways for all of us to live up to the potent potential power that arises out of the tremendous gift of life we are all receivers of.

This is how LifeSynthe came to be. It is my gift not only to my treasured son, but also to the memory of my father, and in its broadest sense my gift to everyone. It is my sincerest hope that the LifeSynthe project helps you find the answers you are looking for and informs you that you are never alone. That we all are standing on the shoulders of our ancestors, are part of a global community, have huge resources to tap our greatest potential, that we can live our best life every day, and in turn can show others how to do it too. With an eye on both that beginning and a sense of where we are going, we take the daily steps to make this dream a reality. In this way we can all become super-ordinary which is a pretty fantastic thing to be.


The Lens of Mindfulness